The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B(Review)

“A day in heaven,’ Adam whispered. What would that be like? To wake up one morning and be normal? To not bite down and parcel out each second of each day. To not wrestle and negotiate with your obsessions. To not have thoughts that ran you into the ground.

To have a quiet mind.

A quiet mind.


Teresa Toten, The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B


I finished this book a few days ago- I’ve needed to take a time out to digest my thoughts on this moving Young Adult novel.  Ms. Toten writes an incredibly detailed and engrossing account of life with OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)  from the perspective of  a teenager living in contemporary urban USA.  I was intrigued by the insights into the complex workings of the mind of Adam…my overwhelming feeling was of sadness whilst reading.  I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to cope with so many overwhelming thoughts-  which crowd out any type of rationality.   Adam must struggle to come to terms with the restlessness in his brain. There was a moment by moment fight to gain peace and to come to a place of relative calm.


The action of this novel revolves around the relationships between Adam and members of his mental health support group and his convoluted and impaired blended family.  This was the most interesting part of the book for me-  the brilliant explorations of teenage love and infatuation between Adam and the extremely likeable Robyn.  More difficult and less easy to comprehend was the complex interactions between Adam and his brother  and his new step mom and half brother- and between Adam and his biological mother(who has major emotional problems- there are some scary scenes which highlight her out of control hoarding problems).  The dialogue was good, pacey and felt very natural.


Ok- here’s the part of the review that I wanted to shy away from…Would I recommend this book? No, not really.  I’m happy I read it…but It is not a feel good book- certainly not a light summer read.  However, if you are looking to have insight into the intricate subject of mental health issues…then this book offers valuable and pertinent material.  I also commend this book on its excellent portrayals of the benefits of support groups-  I’m a huge believer in the power of groups- I love the supportive atmosphere which is exhibited in this teenage group and it was very encouraging to see the positive change which was enabled by the constructive feedback which this group provided.


One last thing-  I have had incredible results from practicing mindfulness meditation-  I use the extremely helpful app called Headspace.  I highly recommend it and would be happy to send you a link to a code for a free trial membership-  it’s given me a lot of peace and something I would recommend to anyone wanting to find a helpful tool to provide focus and a great way of coping with stress.




(Photos my own apart from OCD infographics and author photo taken from Google Images)

The Last Leaves Falling(Book Review)

“If I wanted to do something, a big life something- true love, ambitions,career choice- would you try to stop me?” She considers, and I do not think she’s going to answer me, but then: “I’d want the best for you, Sora. Every Mother does. And if your choices are not good ones, it is my job to see that you are steered right.” But how can she know what’s right? How can anybody know?”

The Last Leaves Falling- by Sarah Benwell

This exquisite novel is set in contemporary Japan and is focused on the heart-wrenching topic of coping with a terminal illness whilst being a teenager.



Young Sora must come to terms with the devastating revelation that he has ALS(Lou Gehrig’s Disease).   The Author deftly depicts the highs and lows of facing a terminal disease – and the extremely emotive topic of death and the afterlife. I felt that Ms. Benwell did justice to portraying this subject in a very comprehensive manner without being too sentimental.

I adored this thoughtful book- and highly recommend it for your summer reading list.  “The last leaves falling” explores the big topics of life- not shying away from the tricky subject of mortality- and even questioning the ethics of the hospice movement and palliative care.


As a Mother I appreciated the deft handling of Mother/Son relationships. Ms. Benwell  delicately portrays the complicated roller coaster of emotions faced by parents of teenagers – coping with online dating and issues regarding friendship and education.

This book will also be enjoyed by fans of Japanese culture. I loved the insights into life in modern day Japan-  the foods which are enjoyed, the daily life of students, and a gorgeous vignette- where Sora goes to visit with his grandparents in the countryside(a picturesque view of rural Japan which I loved). It was also fascinating to hear Benwell’s opinion on the enduring footprint of the samurai culture on young Japanese.


Superbly written – but do make sure you have plenty of tissues to hand – this is a tear jerker.IMG_1233

(Photos of the book are my own- Photos of Japan are taken from Google Images)

The Boundless (Book Review)

“Unlike his father, the only adventures he’s ever had have been in his head, or drawn in his sketchbook. This girl seems from another world. Looking at her is like catching a glimpse of an unknown track: and immediately he wants to travel it to the horizon, to know what’s at the end. “ – The Boundless – Kenneth Oppel


Excitement and thrilling adventure abound in this tumultuous middle-grade novel.  The Boundless was filled with exhilarating action- as the main character Will races to solve a mystery of a strange murder.

Along the way, there are many strange and wonderful creatures- some scary and some intriguing. The reader is introduced to Maren (a circus escape artist), Mr. Dorian (the ringmaster) and even a horrible hag and the mystical Sasquatch.  Ideal as a read aloud – and certain to appeal to boys who are keen on high octane drama.  My only criticism was that I actually found this book too stimulating- too many characters…I got a bit confused and longed for a more in-depth observations into the character’s particular motivations.  I finished the book without really feeling satisfied.  So not a 5-star review for me- however I do understand the appeal of this book and think it will be a great choice for many(not to mention this book is absolutely begging to be made into an action/adventure children’s movie).  I loved the elements of historical fiction- tracing the evolution of rail travel and westward expansion in Canada.  I also enjoyed the insights into life on the rails on this intriguing and magical railway.  This book will appeal to readers who enjoy stories about the Circus and circus performers- however, my top recommendation for Circus themed books this year must go to the fabulous- Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley.  

train ticket.doubleimages-1

(Please note some of these photos have been taken from the excellent blog written by Kenneth Oppel  here)



Boy- Roald Dahl (Review)

“When writing about oneself, one must strive to be truthful. Truth is more important than modesty.” Roald Dahl – Boy- tales of childhood

This wonderful collection of sketches from Dahl’s early years growing up in Wales and whilst he was in boarding school in England will have you roaring with laughter.IMG_2292

It is achingly funny and heartwarmingly endearing. Be prepared to encounter the inspiration for many characters you will remember from other Dahl classics – such as the beastly Mrs. Pratchett who dominates a sweet shop with evil intent- she bears an uncanny resemblance to sinister Dahl villains from Matilda and from the Twits.



photo from Alex Foster Illustrations


Master storyteller Roald Dahl keeps young readers full attention as he speeds from one family holiday disaster to a story featuring a gruesome tonsillectomy. Some chapters are not for the faint hearted….some minor swear words used but overall perfectly acceptable for middle-grade readers from the age of 9 and above. This book would be a fantastic summer read aloud the whole family could enjoy and Super choice for a genre challenge fulfilling an autobiography/memoir selection.




My own Photo taken in Hong Kong


The Willoughbys- Lois Lowry (Review)


“I have learned over the course of my many years that it is a bad idea, usually, to investigate piteous weeping but always a fine thing to look into a giggle.”

Lois Lowry, The Willoughbys

Lois Lowry at her finest- an engaging adventure story with elements of humour and mystery to keep readers engrossed until the finish. This slim volume is an ideal read-aloud to share as part of your family’s summer reading tradition. Bibliophiles will delight in the multiple references to classic books who feature orphans – think Anne of green gables, Jane Eyre and James and the Giant Peach to name a few. The story follows a mysteriously abandoned child – and the lovable character Mr. Willoughby – this book is a good family choice which will entertain readers of many ages. Enjoy

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